Eventing system mix-in that adds .trigger() and .on() to any input object

Make an eventing system mix-in that adds .trigger() and .on() to any input object.

Example usage:

var obj = mixEvents({ name: 'Alice', age: 30 });

obj.on('ageChange', function(){
  console.log('Age changed');


obj.trigger('ageChange'); // This should call our callback!

Should log 'age changed'


  • mixEvents should return the original object it was passed after extending it.
  • If we repeatedly call .on with the same event name, it should continue to call the old function as well. That is to say, we can have multiple listeners for an event.
  • If obj.trigger is called with additional arguments, pass those to the listeners.
  • It is not necessary to write a way to remove listeners.

    var mixEvents = function(obj) {
      var events = {};
      obj.on = function (event, callback) {
        if (!events[event]) {
          events[event] = [callback];
        } else {
      obj.trigger = function (event) {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
        if (events[event]) {
          events[event].forEach(function (cb) {
            cb.apply(null, args));
      return obj;
Written on February 27, 2015