Finding the longest palindrome in a string

Implement a function that finds the longest palindrome in a given string. For example, in the string "My dad is a racecar athlete", the longest palindrome is "a racecar a". Count whitespaces as valid characters. Other palindromes in the above...

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Resizing a hash table

Create a hash table with insert(), retrieve(), and remove() methods.

  • Be sure to handle hashing collisions correctly.
  • Set your hash table up to double the storage limit as soon as the total number of items stored is greater than...
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Deep equality of objects in JavaScript

Write a function that, given two objects, returns whether or not the two are deeply equivalent--meaning the structure of the two objects is the same, and so is the structure of each of their corresponding descendants. Don't worry about handling...

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Binary Search Tree

Implement a binarySearchTree class with the following properties:

  • A .left property, a binary search tree (BST) where all values are lower than than it the current value.

  • A .right property, a BST where all values are higher than than...

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